Chicks Day 2

On the second day of the chicks who click conference we had several marketing sessions, which I ate up! The first was done by a lady from the Denver area named Sandy “Sam” Puc’. She started her photography biz when she was 18 and now has a payroll of 42 in her studio!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW! She …

3 at 8 Months

Here they are, our 3 at 8 months! Can you believe how fast this first year for Ella is flying!!!? I sure can’t! I love looking through their pictures each month though. It reminds me of their differences and similarities, and is just so fun! Qade at 8 months now boggles my mind. I probably …

8 month Ella

Here’s our “Ella de Bella’s” 8 month photo shoot pics. I think my Dad was the first one who called our girlie Ella Bella, and it’s kinda stuck, but now Qade has been telling people that her name is Ella da (the?) Bella. LOL! Cracks me up! Anyway, I was playing with my new damask …


So since the secession from the slow-carb diet, I have been reworking my workouts and such. I am still determined to lose more weight, though honestly I could deal with the numbers where I am. I just want a little more wiggle room in my “skinny” clothes. 😉 The jelly-belly really gets me, but I …

Jungle Jam

Qade’s favorite audio stories right now are Jungle Jam stories. We were introduced to these hilarious stories by my bro James and his wife Joy. They are stories with morals extracted from Bible verses. Somewhat like Veggie Tails, but not… better actually. 😉 They have quite a few memorable characters and it totally cracks me …


It’s Wednesday. (last week) So far most of my plans for this summer have failed me. Or maybe I’ve failed them… guess that’s more likely. Tomorrow is a new day and I’m turning over a new “weaf.” Isn’t it nice that we get so many chances to “do over” in life? I’m glad God made …