This and That

I have read some bloggers who like to do “stream of consciousness” posts for their randomized thoughts. I think most of my posts fall into that category, but I’m going to call mine “this and that” when I have no better title for my ramblings. 🙂 Nice, don’t ya think?

Editing fun

The Pioneer Woman sometimes does photography assignments through flickr. It’s on my “bucket list” to be one of the P-dub “chosen ones” at some point. Not even the winner, just picked as a finalist!! 🙂 So we’ll see… must keep working on photography.


I’ve been MIA. Didja miss me? 🙂 Ha ha! Probably not, but that’s okay. Stuart had a couple of days off for Fall break last week. By the way, there are other school districts even in our SAME county who get 2 weeks off for Fall break and all this one will give their teachers …