This n That

It’s the time of year for split fingers! Ouch!! I try to be consistent about wearing gloves when doing dishes and such, but I still end up washing my hands a lot (hello, diapers!). So I’ve been slathering on some Cetiphyl that I found in the cellar hoping that it would help. I think I …


Today was the first day of school, bah-humbug! I’m still a little bitter that summer is over, but oh well! Apparently those of us who wan’t school to start AFTER Labor Day are in the minority. But homeschool takes care of that, ha! Anyway, if you want to read my thoughts on our first day …

This n’ That

While I was doing dishes this morning there was a moment, where each child was contentedly, though not necessarily quietly occupied on their own. Qade was busily doing school, Myles was driving his pick-up truck around in circles in the house and Ella was coloring a masterpiece on a Pooh coloring book page. When I …

This n’ That

I do believe that I’m succumbing to the cold that my germ laden children have brought into our house. My throat is on fire!! Probably my defenses against it were depleted by the 3-4 rather interrupted nights of sleep I got this week. Thanks, De Bella! 😉 Oh well, sipping on cold cold sweet tea …