I got to “do lunch” this week with a gal from our church who is having twin girls too! She is about 2 weeks ahead of me so it’s fun to compare notes. Part of our conversation consisted in the rather personal questions that people feel free (or even obligated) to ask people who are …
Monthly Archives: May 2013
Food and Stuff
Happy Memorial Day! I hope you enjoy the holiday and remember the sacrifice of so many people so that we can enjoy it! I know that you will. And while you’re having your cook outs and picnics let me just say a few words about food…. Uuuuuuuuggggggggggghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! Well, guess that was just one word. 😉 …
11 Gals and a….
Here’s our little flock all healthy and happy at the moment. But I’m beginning to have a thought that one of our Road Island Reds might in fact be an impostor! I’m speaking of this little one right here. The one kinda stretching up. Notice the short stubby tail? Well, initially I thought this was …
32 Weeks
Another big milestone! We made it to 32 weeks!! Yay! I had my regular checkup with the Doc today. It wasn’t as regular once I got there though. I was shown into a different room with different monitors and a nice cushy recliner. 🙂 From here on out they will do this each visit. They …
Gearing Up
For summer and babies all at once. 😉 Gearing quite slowly though, just so you know! I always think that quick movements are completely beyond me till I trip over a small shoe with an arm full of laundry. Ha! However, it’s not at all comfy to move that fast, so I think I’ll avoid …
They’re Back!
So I had a little mini-vacation this week. The kids got to stay with my parents and have their own little vacation as well. It was really nice for them since they don’t get to see “Punkin’” and Grandpa as much. Especially recently since most of my trips to town have been quick business related …
We’ve managed to keep the chicks alive and kickin’ for over a week now. 😉 Every small victory is worth celebrating! They are getting big fast, and feathering out nicely. At least for the time being I know who the youngest chick is. One of the Road Island Reds has no tail feathers yet, and …
30 weeks
While 30 weeks isn’t an official pregnancy milestone (for that you have to make it to 32) it still feels like one to me! FINALLY I have reached the 30’s!! My babies will be born sometime in the next 8 weeks!! That is exciting and scary all at the same time! I’ve been reading some …
Here a chick, There a chick
Yesterday I went to town alone. However I came back from town with 12 passengers!! We are now the owners of a little flock of chicks, or “chickies” as Qade calls them. They are tiny little fluff-balls and very cute! I’m pretty sure our 3 monkeys would sit and watch them all day terrorizing the …
Just a touch of Spring
We have been having some NICE days!! Myles will often say, while we’re sitting out in the back yard enjoying the mild weather, “It’s a nice day, I don’t see the trees blowing.” 🙂 They have figured out at this young age, that the cantankerous winds do not make for a “nice” day. I’ve got …