There is a small herd of antelope that trot across the ranch from time to time. There is one very big buck, the biggest antelope I’ve ever seen! and some does. Occasionally I get a good up close glimpse of them when I’m walking or driving on the dirt road. More often I see …
Monthly Archives: July 2011
Death by PB&J
The lads have been eating lunch al fresco lately. It saves having to scrub down the ENTIRE dining room after every meal.:-) They have also been attempting to “out do” each other on how “long” they pray for meals. I have to laugh as I see them peeking out through squinted eyes as they pray …
Just Random
I’m listening to Jungle Jam with Qade. ha ha ha! It’s funny. 🙂 Luckily for us my sis-in-law Joy said they have several more disks of Jungle Jam stories! Whew! We’re in serious danger of having these ones memorized. Strangely though there is one song, (a nice melodic lullaby like song) that Qade thinks is …
Somehow this post never got posted. So here’s our camping trip in a nutshell. 🙂 I am happy to say that our first family tent camping experience was a success!! I would be lying if I didn’t admit that I went into it with some fear and trepidation as I was sure that none of …
Business Blues
I got the business blues, ba-da-dum da-dum. 😉 Ha! Not really, but my head has been reeling recently while we’ve been trying to figure out this business stuff. I have said to myself more than once lately that I should have been a business major instead of music. But I always recollect how much fun …
Docs and Cars
Today was the doctor visits for our oldest lad and our little lass. I hate the “well-visits” because typically they involve shots. 🙁 Shots make me sad. I think they bother me ever so much more than they ever bother the kids. BUT all things considered I’d rather go through the immunization process than face …
I will return with more real life blog stories after this break for hysterics! This poor gals has them badly, and after I watched her, I myself, was hysterically laughing. 🙂 Enjoy!
Ahhhhh, Colorado! (HUGE SIGH) We went back to Southern CO. for our 4th weekend to spend with Stu’s family. Wow! Just driving in is amazing! The Mountains on the north western side of the state are amazing, but I just have to say that this section of CO is my favorite. We drove through Durango… …
I crave peace. I do. I crave a lifestyle that promotes peace and calm. I cringe at the harried, constantly moving, constantly doing, constant chaos that so frequently defines life. Some people plan so that they can be peaceful, some people drive peace away with constant frenzied planning, and some people don’t plan at all …
Non-Conference Related Life
Ha! I bet you have been waiting for this! I know I’ve been talking incessantly about the conference, but it really was a great time. I’ve come to the firm conclusion that getting away for a few days by myself for some me time or me related activities is something that I NEED! I’m going …