I tend to re-resolute throughout the year. Generally at the “big” changes like summer or winter… and of course the “New Year” that is oh-so-popular. It’s a good time to reevaluate what has been resolved and either change some of the previous resolutions/ditch them entirely/make new ones. 🙂 So that’s kind of what I’m doing. …
Monthly Archives: May 2011
Happy Friday
It’s been a long week. In the sense that it seemed to last forever. Not necessarily long in the ‘oh-I’ve-had-such-a-long-day” way. 😉 I’m just glad that it is now friday and tomorrow Stuart will be home all day! I’m even more excited that on next Friday he will be starting his summer break and that …
Ella Girl
I’m trying to catch up with life. Ha! “Me thinketh it’s not working!” But oh well. Here are the latest Ella portrait installments. Month 6 and 7. And I don’t even want to hear about how next week is month 8 already!!! No fair, where’s my lil baby going!!!!
Menu planning
Have I posted this before? Not sure. But anyway, it’s worth talking about again. My sis-in-law and I were talking about menu planning for a minute today and it got me thinking. You all probably already have your own systems for grocery and meal planning and such, but I’m going to share mine and if …
3 at 7 months
Ack, I’m so behind!!! Everything has been crazy, and apparently I’m not good (yet) at balancing a small business AND keeping up with three small fry AND getting all the house stuff done AND keeping up with my own personal blogging and picture taking. Bah! 🙂 Oh well… one day I’ll have it down. 😉 …
The Orioles are here!
That means it’s really and truly the warm season!!! 😉 (happy jig) I’m very done with being frozen all the time, oh yeah! Anyway, I thought I saw one on the tippy topest branch of one of our trees the other day. So I dashed inside and sliced an orange and impaled the slices on …
No more thumbs
Here I am again, what a week later? 😉 Okay, so I have made a vow that I WILL be a more consistent blogger once these senior sessions are over. 🙂 I’ve had photography on the brain lately, and between trying to figure out how to “tweak” the focus on my camera and all the …