Well I shall be without internet for a couple weeks. Hope you all won’t forget me in that time, but I figured I’d at least give you a heads up rather than “reappear” magically later. 🙂 I’m actually looking forward to being “unplugged” for a little bit. I’m sure I’ll be able to get much …
Monthly Archives: April 2009
Protected: Buddy Time
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Coffee Quote of the Week
For all of you going through withdrawal from my coffee quotes, this one is for YOU! “I believe humans get a lot done, not because we’re smart, but because we have thumbs so we can make coffee.” ~Flash Rosenberg
That’s what my lads are doing more of these days. Qade is so funny! His vocab is growing by leaps and bounds as well as his ability to communicate more clearly to us. I can see the wheels in his head turning as he tries to come up with the best way to tell me …
A Shopping I will go
Today I did some summer shopping, though the weather seemed hardly in the mood! It was blustery and cold all day, it even threatened to rain, but I don’t think any of us parched Arizona people would mind that! Still I went, and saw, and conquered! You all probably know that I am NOT the …
Not ready to be roomies
This is what I learned last night. Here I was, gung-ho mom, ready to conquer the challenge of getting the boys to sleep together. Maybe I was so gung ho about it because this in my mind was a way to help ME sleep better without a teeny roomy myself. Hmmmm…. Well selfish or not …