
So tonight while taking some trash outside I noticed that the moon was up there in the sky begging me to take his picture. So happy to oblige, of course, I did! Seemed to be perfect timing. Looks pretty full to moi! Anyway, the detail on this shot isn’t what I wanted it to be, …


I forgot to mention the “closer” for our day yesterday. 🙂 Qade was on an errand to get a diaper from his room after bath time. He did come back with the diaper, but also a very concerned look on his face and a confession, “Pee-pee on the floor.” Sure enough there was a little …


Well, I figure it’s time to update y’all on the recent cute antics of the lads. 😉 When they aren’t barfing and throwing fits they’re really pretty fun. 😀 We bit the bullet and have been putting the boys down for bedtime in the same room. Before we’d been putting Myles down in our room …