P.S. On the creamy pork chop recipe I have a little note to add. If you are going to use bone-in chops like I did, I’d suggest taking the bone out first. 🙂 While the meat was so tender and soft that it just fell right off the bones, little flecks of bone also fell …
Category Archives: This and That
This and that
I like running orange peels down the garbage disposal. It smells amazing!!! 🙂 I made whole-wheat pancakes for dinner last night. They weren’t a huge success. I thought they were fine, but my Hurb has a prejudice against whole-wheat. The main reason I did is because all of our “white” flour is in a 50 …
This’n That
Listening to Qade talk while he is eating is like a cell phone conversation that is breaking up. I just can’t understand him between his chewing cutting off his words and his frequent use of “um.” My ring finger is having a skinny day, which means that my diamond keep slipping down, and it’s annoying, …
This n’ that
The 25-hundred humming birds that like to frequent my feeder are draining it at a record rate! I filled it this afternoon, and it’s empty again now. Thirsty little guys. And on another note in the bird world, I saw some strange birds today that were eating the finch food. They kind of looked like …
This n’ That
I’ve kind of been in a mood-swing between wanting to blog (as in I always have a running “blogentary” going on in my head about what’s going on, thoughts and such) and not wanting to blog (as in take the time to sit at the computer and type out all those amazing blog posts in …
This’n That
I haven’t been in blog-land all week. Did you notice? I did. There were several days I felt like blogging, but I didn’t feel like trying to type on the iPad. I still haven’t got used to doing that. If it was all I did all the time I’m sure I could, but I simply …
This n’ That
I have a sink (actually 2) full of dishes that need to be placed in the dishwasher, but I really don’t want to do it! I have a laundry basket (and dryer) full of clothes that need to be folded and put away, but I don’t want to do that either. 🙂 There are lad’s …
This and That
I have read some bloggers who like to do “stream of consciousness” posts for their randomized thoughts. I think most of my posts fall into that category, but I’m going to call mine “this and that” when I have no better title for my ramblings. 🙂 Nice, don’t ya think?