Two years ago we decorated our tree from the ‘waist’ up to keep Qade from constantly redecorating. Last year we chopped our tree short and stood it on an end table to keep 4 little hands from playing with the breakable ornaments. Still somehow some of the glass balls got tossed/kicked/rolled and smashed around our …
Category Archives: Photos
My 2 year old
Today I finally stopped procrastinating about getting Myles 2 yr old pics done. I didn’t stop procrastinating altogether of course. 🙂 But we had fun with this once I moved a bunch of the Christmas paraphernalia out of the way. My studio frequently gets “clogged” with random stuff that has no other place at the …
Ella Bella’s room
It’s time for the BIG REVEAL!!! Woo-Hoo!! (drum roll)
I heart black and white
This week’s contest is scenic B&W images, with a face somewhere of course! 🙂 I enjoyed this challenge because I really need to work on my black and whites. I use color monochrome much more often. So it was good for me to look at my “scenic” photos thinking about how they would look in …
Accomplished 2 month old
I did Ella’s 2 month photo shoot today. My thoughts were that having my own studio setup and photography equipment would make getting the month by month portraits easier. Still it seems like there is hardly time to get them done and ordered let alone distributed to Ella’s adoring fans before it’s time to take …
Three at 2 months
Here is the latest installment of “my three” at two months old. They are so cute!! 🙂
P-dub Edit
The Pioneer Woman is doing another editing assignment this week. I just have to say that it is NO FAIR that she gets to live on a ranch with MUSTANGS!!! Uh-Uh! There’s only cows and coyotes and an occasional antelope on the ranch where we live. *sigh* Oh well, at least I can live it …
The girls
There is this awesome consignment shop where my Mom lives called “Other Mothers.” I’ve shopped there for all of my kids. They’ll take your outgrown, gently used (which my lads have stopped “gently using” at this point) clothes and give you store credit for them. Then you can brows their abundant racks of clothes and …
The theme for the iheartfaces contest this week is Silhouette. I enjoy taking these kinds of pictures and am often looking for good silhouette opportunities. This photo is one that I took this summer when we were picnicking at Big Lake. Real inventive name for that place, huh? 🙂 The boys had never experienced a …
Today as I was attempting to make some sense out of the mess that is Ella’s room (good thing she doesn’t need to use it yet!), I discovered an adorable little shirt that her Auntie Tiff had given her that she will soon be too big for, oops! So I decided then and there that …