Bet ya didn’t know about that one didja? 😉 From the moment you see the positive pregnancy test your life begins to move in 12 week chunks. The first 12 you just want to survive the morning sickies and pray to not miscarry. The second 12 you start to feel good, not too huge, extra …
Category Archives: Kids
I can’t get over the fact that we are actually home!! Thursday night was a pretty stressful time for me. I just “knew” that something was going to happen to delay Gabby’s discharge. So much for being a “half full” kind of person, huh? Ha ha! 🙂 Anyway, I got to the hospital on Friday …
Low Day
Today was a very low day for me. Rather than vent my spleen however, I’ll just stick to the facts and then get straight to the pictures. 🙂 Gabby had another “significant” Brady this morning bringing her count back to 0. 🙁 While I had a “feeling” that this would happen, it still was not …
A Zillion Words
So, I’m actually going to spare you my typical long-winded wordy posts today… mostly because I’m tired and the little grunter is sleeping at the moment and I should take advantage of that. 😉 But also because I wanted to post some photos and they are worth like 1,000 words or something, right? 😉 Enjoy!
Just Talking
Yesterday when I put the girls together they were bright eyed and bushy tailed! My idea was that they’d calm each other down and go to sleep, but neither of them seemed inclined to take a nap! So instead they had some chat time, and even “talked” with Daddy. 🙂 Or at least listened… that’s …
Uno Montho
Either yesterday or tomorrow is the girls one month birthday, depending on your perspective. 😉 Yesterday was 4 weeks even, tomorrow is the 4th. I tend to go by the 4th since it’s easier to remember each month. I remember thinking, at one point, that we could have 4th of July babies since that would …
Step in time!
Our poor little Gabby-girl has just not been coping well with her responsibilities of eating. She Bradys at nearly every feeding, even when I’m feeding her and watching her monitor like a hawk for any signs of it dipping. Yesterday I was able to “catch” her a couple of times before her alarm went off …
This time next week
We will still be here. 🙂 I made up my mind to that fact today. And it’s okay. I don’t want to be here next week, or the week after (but I’ll cross that bridge when I get there) but I think that I’ve been adding to my own stress by setting up expectations of …
My Valley
I’m saving the post I was going to do today for another day. It can “brew” a bit longer. 🙂 Today I want to say how thankful I am for MY valley. I can’t lie and say that I enjoy it, but I have to say, truthfully, that I’m thankful for it! Yesterday as I …
Tired Mommy
Well… It was a 3 Brady kind of day today. 🙁 Gabby seems to struggle when she’s eating. She horks it down so fast that she kind of drowns herself and then chokes and sputters and inevitably has a Brady. This makes me sad. I’d like to think that the “powers that be” will take …