Just a touch of Spring

We have been having some NICE days!! Myles will often say, while we’re sitting out in the back yard enjoying the mild weather, “It’s a nice day, I don’t see the trees blowing.” 🙂 They have figured out at this young age, that the cantankerous winds do not make for a “nice” day.

I’ve got the Spring itch to plant stuff. I don’t really know why I get this itch because most of the stuff I’ve EVER planted has perished in my care. I do have one houseplant that I’ve managed to keep going for a couple of years now, and believe me… that’s a record! But for whatever reason, the urge to plant green and pretty things has been striking me harder each spring!

Last year Spring lured us into thinking that it was safe to go ahead with some landscaping ideas. It was late April-ish and had been quite warm really. So we raided Home Depot got what were supposed to be “hearty” plants and dug right in. The last weekend in April it FROZE!! All the beautiful flowers were dead, the ivy did not make it, and all that work was totally waisted!!

This time around I’m making myself wait! I have plans for a few hanging planters and some larger ones to use around the porch. I want to get some colorful flowers that will work for this season at least. If I can find carnations I’ll get a few of those to put along the bottom of the house too. We had one last year and it was the plant that faired the best of everything! I’d like to replace the Ivy, but digging is not something that is going to be happening with me right now, so that may have to wait. I’m still waiting the verdict on whether or not the honeysuckle survived the winter. I thought I saw a little something trying to grow there, but not too sure. I will, however, be transplanting some of the Creeping Charlie vines from our front to the back at strategic locations around the wire fence. It would be great if those things would grow and cover the fence in a few spots!!

So I am attempting to hold back to make sure it really REALLY is warm enough to have the plants outside. It’s hard to be patient because I want to be outdoors when it’s nice, and I’d like to look at pretty flowers and green things instead of dirt and weeds. 😉 I did sprinkle out the wildflower seeds that I bought just to hold me over. I have no idea if they will grow, but the kids are getting a kick out of watching me water the “dirt” every day. 😉 Myles keeps saying, “When the flowers grow here, we will have a garden!!” He’s so excited about the possibility! I told him that I would let him water them if the flowers grew… big “if” there, but maybe it could happen!!

Tomorrow I’m going to town, and as much as I’ve been tempted to check out the “stock” of flowers at HD, I’m not going to do it!! I’m going to wait at least another week and a half and make sure that Spring and Winter have worked out their issues before I put any time and effort into beautification! 🙂