Stu had a sick day today. It’s almost like getting an extra Saturday!! He’s been working SO hard on a lot of different things, and all that mental energy can really take it’s toll. The kids (and me too) have enjoyed having him home today and the fun thing is we get to do it again tomorrow!!! Hopefully he will be feeling much better after a longer weekend.
I’m a little muddled though because now I think that tomorrow is Sunday. I keep planning the crock pot meal that I have to be sure to get in “tomorrow” and keep thinking of the things I need to pick up at the grocery store “tomorrow.” Ha! Oops… oh well.
(we interrupt this highly interesting blog post for a family walk)
Well, now it’s REALLY Saturday! 🙂 I had planned for Qade to do some school today, we’re not doing so well on catching up, but I’m not sure I have the umph to actually do it. We’ll see…. Maybe once I get some coffee in my system.
We went for a family walk yesterday evening, and it was nice. The wind wasn’t so bad, but the juniper are still warring against my poor sinuses. I loathe this allergy feeling. Ugh! Oh well. I am thankful that it’s only a few weeks in the Spring and Fall when things bother me. I know that there are people who struggle all year, and I can’t even imagine the issues with food allergies. So in the long run, I don’t have it so bad.
I baked some chocolate chip cookies last night. Love that recipe I found that has the cornstarch in it! It’s the only one that doesn’t end up flat and yuck. But I really need to cut down on sugary stuff though. It doesn’t make me feel good at all, and I know that gestational diabetes is more likely when carrying multiples so I must resist temptation and get my “fix” from fruit or my coconut oil chocolates…. or those energy bites, those are good too! 🙂
I “weighed in” this morning and I’ve gained 25 lbs so far. That was my “limit” that I had set for myself when I found out we were expecting, but before I knew it was twinkies. I’m okay with that number. 24 wks 25 lbs, but I dread the “Manatee Mama” feel and look later in the pregnancy, so I’m going to redouble my efforts at making good food choices. I have to say that I think I’ve done best with this pregnancy than the rest. Probably because I was making those kinds of choices a habit for awhile before the Peaches came along. We don’t eat a lot of processed foods anymore at all, and I don’t crave those. Probably the biggest one we still use is cereal, though I’ve stopped buying supermarket sugar cereal for the kids. What’s the point? We do have some frosted mini-wheats we got on sale at Costco though, so I need to be more conscious about limiting that. Oatmeal is a good choice. Smoothies are a good choice. I do need to eat more protein so that’s something I can improve on. 🙂 Either way, I’m sure the docs will tell me if they think I’m gaining too much or too little. 😉
I’m feeling SOOOOO lazy this morning, that’s for sure. It’s likely because I haven’t had me coffee yet. 😉 So without further ado, I’ll go get some.