Lemon Water

That’s what I’ve been sipping all day today. 🙂 Stu bought a bag of lemons last week, and I’m not really sure what to do with them beyond adding them to beverages. So that’s what I’m doing. 😀 It’s pretty yummy! Plus I need to be better about hydration. We’ve been on the road a bit recently and I am SOOO bad about making sure to drink enough water whenever I travel.

Oh well… making up for it today. 😉 Plus the kiddos shared their colds with me on top of allergies and the lemon water feels good on my throat.

It’s Monday afternoon. Cue swelling. I seem to puff a bit in the afternoons on toward night. No fun! My mom told me I should say bye to my ankles now while I still can. 😉 I don’t appreciate the swelling. Does it serve a purpose? Besides making mamas-to-be long for the end of pregnancy? It makes my legs and feet ache, and I already had to ditch my wedding rings. 🙁 I feel like I should wear a sign around my neck that reads, “Yes, I’m married, but my rings won’t fit on my sausage fingers!” Ha! Might be a big overboard, huh?

I did manage to get quite a bit of laundry done today AND folded!!! This is an accomplishment for sure! I’m bit by bit putting things away from the weekend trip. My goals for the rest of this afternoon are 1) get yogurt started in the crockpot 2) cut up the fresh pineapple that’s been ripening on the counter and 3) drink more lemon water. 😉

I have no idea what will be for dinner tonight. It will likely consist of whatever I can find in the fridge…. which might be eggs. 😉

The peaches are squirmy! Like REALLY squirmy!! And they are getting stronger too! I was noticing a very obvious uptick in the strength of the kicks I was feeling while driving home yesterday.

And speaking of pregnancy perks, the relaxin is working. Well, that is it’s working on pelvic ligaments. It’s causing some serious discomfort, ugh! I had issues with this during the last part of cookin’ Ella too, so I’m not surprised that it’s happening again with all the added pressure of an extra monkey, still it’s not pleasant. I wish I could get the relaxin to work on my neck and shoulders too though! That might be helpful.

Well, I’d better get busy if I expect to get through my afternoon goals. 🙂


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