Two Years Ago

Two years ago today our little Ella de Bella joined our family! She’s been such a snip of sunshine for us! I can’t believe that she’s already 2 and in some ways it’s even harder to remember what it was like without her. Living with lads is fun and adventurous (and loud) but I’m so happy that I have my Bugga-boo to balance it all out with a bit of girly-ness. She loves pretty things, and is crazy about shoes. She likes jewelry, hair bows and dresses. But she really IS my daughter. 😉 She rough and tumble and giggly and sweet, and she has a very kind heart and tenderness about her. She often tries to comfort her brothers, or her “baby” if she feels that they need it. We’re so happy that God gave us our little sweetie pie, or as Stuart calls her, squeaky pie. 🙂

Happy Birthday Ella, love you!



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