Reading Addict

I have wanted to read the Hunger Games trilogy for awhile now. I know, I’m late on the band wagon, but I have a good reason. See, I have a major problem when it comes to books that interest me and that I have never read before. You’ve heard the term “can’t put it down” well, that pretty much sums it up for me. 😉

I was telling a friend recently that while I usually read at least a little bit each day, it’s often books that are tried and true like the Anne books or Pride and Prejudice or even the Little House books. Yep, I’ve read them dozens of times, but I reread them. Know why? Because I know what happens. I can put it down when I need to. With books that I haven’t read through I just can’t do that. Now that I’m a wife and a mom and have responsibilities I have to put them down, but even if my hands put it down, my brain is racing as I think about the story and what will happen next.

So the other day, Stuart brings home the Hunger Games movie, and we begin to watch it. We usually watch movies in segments too because it’s only after the littles are in bed that we’d watch a movie like this. Even so we had to pause it several times to chase curious eyes back to their proper places. 😉 Stu said the kids can’t watch this movie till they are in college, ha! So we didn’t finish the movie on the first night.

That next day I was looking at the books on the Kindle store and saw that the first one was on sale for $1.99, which is a pretty good price for a book!! I purchased, downloaded, and started reading…

That was the beginning of the end. 😉 Ha ha!

Unfortunately I couldn’t finish the book in yesterday afternoon. I had too many other things pop up and it is a pretty sizable book too. That meant that last night (even after finishing the movie) I tossed and turned in bed as my brain kept going back to the unfinished story. I should have just got up and finished reading it, because I was nearly useless as it is this morning as I tried to get in some reading around breakfast, kids getting ready and school, oh my! 😉

Anyway, I did finish the book. Less than 24 hours after I purchased it, I finally read to the end! I love riveting stories!! I told myself that I’d wait a day or so before getting the next one… but… I have a serious problem. Knowing that this is a continuing story is nearly as bad as not finishing the book! So I just bought the next one.

I may need an intervention, but I shouldn’t be hard to find. My nose will be glued to my Kindle, and if you have to put me in a padded cell, can you at least make sure I have the third book first?


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