It’s hard to believe our little Bubba has entered the world of education. Something must be wrong with me. I alternate between being proud and excited for him, and wanting to burst into tears. Ha ha! I’m a mess! Don’t ever come near me when it’s time for graduation, I’ll be certifiable by then I’m sure! 😉
Last night Stu and I instituted our “stay up” time with Qade. One night a week each of the kids (well, not Ella yet) will get to stay up an extra 15 min past bed-time for some one-on-one time with Mommy and Daddy. I have mentioned before how difficult it sometimes seems to get one-on-one with each of the kids. You’d think with 3 it wouldn’t be so hard, but it can be. So last night was the first time Qade got to stay up. We spent time sharpening his new pencils with his new sharpener, and storing them in his new pencil box, and discussing how cool school would be. He was pretty into it.
Today Myles and Ella went to “the white house” with Grandma Noggle who is up for a visit, so Qade could start school! Qade was a little concerned that he was missing out on some things that may be going on with Grandma, so I was happy that today was a shorter day. But before we could get started, I of course had to get a first day of school photo. 🙂 I think perhaps I overshoot Qade because his comment was, “Just one picture?” ha ha! Poor lad! It was kinda just one picture. 😉
We started his video and I sat by him and did the student parts with him. He seemed to catch on pretty quickly when he needed to respond to the teacher and stand and be seated. We only had one worksheet to do today, which seemed pretty slim when he’s used to sitting down to do 2 or 3 that came with his preschool stuff. BUT it’s only the first day of school, he’ll have as much work as his heart could desire pretty quickly.
One of the things I was looking forward too with this curriculum/video was the Bible time. I love the stories that he will be learning, and the scripture that he will be memorizing. He’s already learning the Lord’s prayer, and today’s Bible story was about heaven and the things that will be there and things that will not. There is a very strong gospel emphasis to their Bible stories in K-5. I’m happy about that since I know that Qade is approaching that age where his tender heart will be able to understand his need for a Savior. I’m praying that it will be this year!
Myles will be joining Qade for his Bible time and pledges too, but not today. They both love stories, so I know this will be a favorite time each day. Oh, and I imagine Ella will join in as well, she usually insists on not being left out of anything these days. 😉
Over all, our first day went well, and now we know that “Ii” says i-i-i as in Indian. 😉 Glad we’ve got that straight! Ha ha!