Fitness Challenge- Join moi

So my fitness challenge that started in March wrapped up on Mother’s Day. Funny timing, huh? SO after my thoughtful hubby told me to “keep sleeping” when my alarm went off, I took my measurements once I did wake up. 😉 I was somewhat nervous about this “after” proof from the challenge, but boy was I happy I had those numbers to compare. Here’s my results:
Chest: – 2.5 inches
Waist: -4.25 inches!!!!
Hips: +1.5 inches
Arms: -.5 each
Legs: -1 inch each

I was pretty thrilled with these shrinkage results. Granted my hips measurement went up, but that’s either because I mismeasured the first time (possible) or my “glutes” are just getting into shape. And that’s fine with me. My rear view has been a little flat, ha! Not that anyone cares but me. Ha ha!

Anyway, I’ll go ahead and tell you that I have not lost a pound. Not one. 🙂 One thing this challenge has done for me has helped me to realize that the scale is the WORST thing to use as a measurement for fitness and health. There’s plenty of examples out there, and I’ve seen and read a few, of people going from a tiny weight, but unfit body to a fit body and a “higher” weight. We’ve been conditioned for a couple of generations at least, to be so closely connected to that number on the scale that we can’t fathom a healthy body without an “ideal” number to go with it. If that’s the only concept that I took away from this challenge it would have been worth it. I can’t tell you the number of times that I’ve felt discouraged by looking at that ridiculous number on the scale, somehow thinking if I could make that change that I’d be “fit” and feel good. Nopers, it doesn’t work that way. So if you’re staring at the scale on a regular basis, STOP IT! 😉 They are not your friend, and they are not an accurate way to gage what’s going on in your body.

There are a few other things that I’ve taken away from this challenge, besides inches. One is a lot more energy! Yay! That was one of my original goals in the challenge. I want to be able to have the energy to keep up with my kids. 🙂 Maybe that’s a physical impossibility as they seem to have boundless energy, but I still wanted to feel more energetic than I did. It may have been a combo of things including taking my vitamins regularly, and the fact that summer was approaching, along with the regular exercise that did it. Whatever the reason, I do feel much more energetic now than I did pre-March. 🙂 It may not seem like it as there are days when I still don’t get much done, but I at least feel more energetic at the end rather than like a pile of flesh and bones that can’t wait to drag itself to bed. 😉 Another thing is just being much more aware of what I eat. In our challenge we got a point each day for eating our 5 servings of fruit and veggies. I hadn’t realized before this that I was NOT getting enough fruit and veg each day. Who knew?? Now I make more of a conscious effort at EACH meal to get those in, along with having them for snacks. And water intake. That’s always a struggle for me for some reason. Having to think about it and consciously make myself drink more to get my point has really made an impact. Plus the getting fit part has been fantastic!! I still have a ways to go to be where I want to be, but I know I’m much stronger than I was! Push-ups anyone? 😉

Overall I’ve been so amazed at what a little old fashioned competition and accountability will do for a person. I know there are others in the challenge who have seen awesome results as well, and I know we’re all happy that we jumped in and stuck it out together. Even though we mostly only knew each other through Facebook, we were able each day to encourage each other to keep going, and we could also whine to each other about our sore muscles or lack of motivation and get that little nudge from everyone to keep going and stay strong.

That’s why I am going to be starting my own informal fitness challenge on June 4 for friends on FB who might be interested. I’m not a coach, I don’t claim to be a fitness OR nutrition expert. You would still be responsible for your own health and wellness. This is simply a group to have fun with and brag to and whine occasionally if you need it. 😉

Here’s how it’s gong to work. First let me know if you want “in” on the facebook group, I’ll add you to the group, that’s the first step. Second, you need some kind of program. I don’t care if it’s Insanity, like I have, or another of the Beachbody workouts, or it can be Jillian whoever-she-is workout, or Tai-bow or Pilates or whatever! Something that will get you moving for at least 30 min a day that you can do 6 days a week. That’s pretty easy… I mean Richard Simmons could even do that for you. 😉 (hurk) Just choose a workout that your comfortable with, but that you know will push you as well. Third… well… let’s get through the first two first, and then we can talk about the rest when it’s time to make it all happen.

That’s it. If you want in, and believe me you do even if you don’t realize it yet, then let me know. We can get fit(er) and stronger together, and have a little fun while we’re at it. 😉

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