Making no-bake energy bites again… double batch this time. I need LOTS of energy. 😉
When I loaded the kids in the car to go to the PO this morning a wasp flew in while I was inside getting my purse. The lads informed me that there was a “bee” in the car. Since they usually call a fly “bee” I wasn’t too concerned. But when I got into the driver’s seat, Qade piped up in a very concerned voice, “Mom the bee will sting you!!” To which Myles added, “It’s not a bee, it’s a FLOSS!” LOL!! Eventually I saw the “floss” on the passenger window and let the beast out! Glad my boys were concerned for my safety!
The boys are playing outside sans clothes. I can’t seem to convince them that they NEED to wear clothing once it gets warm outside. They insist that they are “hot” and off it all comes… well, at least they are keeping their unders on. They look like little Mogli’s running around out there!
Home is the best feeling! Even though I don’t always “feel” like this place is really home, it’s still more homey than anywhere else. 🙂
We’ve been blessed to have kids with pretty strong stomaches. I think it must be because Stu and I don’t… at least when it comes to the smell and clean up of ickiness like that. But this week the plague has struck our kiddos and Ella and Myles have both had the up-chucks. Hoping that Qade won’t succumb… or Stu and me either for that matter, but Qade’s already opted to not eat his breakfast because “his tummy didn’t feel good.” Uh-oh!
Got some fun birthday stuff for Qade’s part this coming weekend. I don’t know why, but for some reason him turning 5 just seems like it’s the end of the “little guy” stage for real. At least to me. He has considered himself to be quite grown up for some time now. 🙂 Looking forward to the celebration and hoping we are all well by then!
I’ve made it (more or less) through 4 weeks of INSANITY… more on that later. 🙂
We have purchased a new coffee pot off of Amazon. If you’re friends with me on FB you may have noticed the coffee pot saga over the weekend. Stu found an awesome one that has not only the regular coffee pot option, but also an option on the side to brew one cup at a time. You do realize that this means I will be drinking coffee ALL day now instead of just half. 😉
Our Crocs FINALLY got here, no thanks to FedEx who finally just dumped the package at the PO for us to find “whenever.” Sadly the shoes I got for me are too small. 🙁 SO I’ll be paying for shipping those back and ordering the larger size. SUCH a disappointment. I followed the instructions that said, “If you are a half size order the next size down” I should have known better though… my gut said to me, “Rach, you don’t like tight shoes, you should go with the next size UP.” But I said to my gut, “Hush, they obviously know better than you, and besides I like to think of my feet as being smaller.” *sigh* Gut was right. Good thing I had a coupon code that “saved” me $10.
It’s getting warm enough that I’m starting to crave iced coffee… and chicken salad. Not necessarily at the same time just… ya know, cause it’s warmer. 😉
The kids spent the day loafing. They were either watching programs on the computer or playing games on the iDevices. I wanted to keep it low key to avoid any further spewing incidences. Now they are frisking about the house like cooped up puppies and while I tried to encourage them to frisk outside, they seem inclined to stay in. I suppose it’s for the best since they’re stripped down to their unders again. 😉
Ella LOVES orange juice! Loves it! She’ll beg for seconds or even thirds. But while her mouth likes it, her bottom not so much, so I have to limit that beverage for her. 🙂 TMI, I know.
Ella is sitting on my lap right now because whenever I sit down to the computer she comes along and says “mup?” Which is her word for “up.” She really isn’t gaining many new words, but somehow has a way of making herself clear, and she understands VERY well what I ask her to do. At the moment she’s trying to ask me for something by humming (which is usual) but she has a mouth full of chocolate animal cracker, so her “hum” sounds even more hollow. Ha!
Better get going. Insanity calls…. and then bed!
P.S. Have you ever tried a green smoothie? You really must, Darling, they are quite delicious!