I got a chance to do Myles and Aiden’s birthday pictures last weekend! 🙂 I’m glad it worked out for Aiden to be here so I could snag his as well. They both had similar set ups to Qade’s because I was going for a homogenous look for Qade and Myles and since I was too lazy to set up a different thing for Aiden, he got the same as well. 🙂 It works. They won’t always be this easy to accommodate, ya know? 😉
Anyway, I thought I’d do “Toy Story” with Myles instead of cars like Qade. While the boy loves his trucks and cars, he’s a huge Toy Story fan, so this works for his 3 yr old pics.
I can’t decide if I like the big grin or the quieter happy face better. He’s just so stinkin’ cute!
The big 3. 🙂 I have plans to do number poses with them till 5 at least, but since I have the numbers, I may just do them till they decide to move out so mom can’t take their photos any more. 😉
I liked this one because it was a serious moment when he wasn’t really expecting me to snap one. 😉
Gotta love his favorite Scooby Doo’s as he calls his crocs. 😉