Ahhhhh, Colorado! (HUGE SIGH)
We went back to Southern CO. for our 4th weekend to spend with Stu’s family. Wow! Just driving in is amazing! The Mountains on the north western side of the state are amazing, but I just have to say that this section of CO is my favorite. We drove through Durango… well, just skipped it, but that area, and from then on it just got more and more beautiful!!
It’s been so dry everywhere, and here is no exception, but to our desert parched eyes, it looked like a lush oasis! The mountains are magnificent but even the valley farmlands are amazing! As we drove through, Qade would pipe up from time to time, “Mom, I saw a pretty tree, did you see it?” or “I saw a waterfall!! I saw three ones!” And at the top of the pass, “There’s SNOW on those hills!! May I go touch the snow?” ha ha ha!! Our little lad loves CO too and he has only spent very small bits of time here.
It really is like a cool refreshing drink to come back up here and breath the mountain air, and see the rivers, that actually have water in them, imagine! See the mountains with the snow, and all the green growing things!
My photographer side was thinking things like, “Oh that would be such a great backdrop.” and “Look at those amazing flowers, that would be the perfect spot for a photo of Ella!” and “That green field would be awesome with a chair in the middle” and “Wow, what an awesome old barn! Wouldn’t that look great in a Senior portrait?” Ha ha ha!
I’m trying not to be too jealous of all this amazing scenery in this place. I know we have awesome stuff around us as well. Colorado colors are more to my taste, but AZ is beautiful too. 🙂 Gotta grow where you’re planted, even if you don’t get enough water. Ha ha ha!
So anyway, it’s been fun to be in Colorado. I’m writing this before our amazing camping adventure which is about to begin, so be prepared for that one. I can make no promises at this point what “tone” that post will be in. Ha ha ha!