The Orioles are here!

That means it’s really and truly the warm season!!! 😉 (happy jig) I’m very done with being frozen all the time, oh yeah! Anyway, I thought I saw one on the tippy topest branch of one of our trees the other day. So I dashed inside and sliced an orange and impaled the slices on little branches of the trees. I haven’t seen one bird touch those orange halves, but a beetle was certainly enjoying the “cutie” slice that Myles left from his lunch yesterday.

This morning, however, I noticed 2 orangey orioles helping themselves to the hummingbird feeder. 🙂 I’m happy to see them. I hope they’ll hang around like they did last summer.

Yes, the lads had their first picnic lunch of the season yesterday. They were sitting in their new camp chairs (from Qade’s b-day) with their own special little drink holder. It’s so funny to just see the “importance” on their face as they enjoy something as simple as a little mesh cup holder on their chair. 🙂 I think these boys will be having many al fresco lunches this summer. And this mommy will be having less to sweep up under the table every day! Oh yeah!!! 😉

Ella too, has been spending some time outside the past couple of days! She likes it! I’m sure she’ll be just as thrilled as her brothers to sit in the dirt and play outside as much as possible. Right now just a bit of breeze blowing on her little face is so thrilling to her! I’ve been sitting outside after the kids nap and letting Ella have her bottle in the great outdoors. We all need the sunshine and fresh air. Suuuuuuummmmer Tiiiiiiiiime! 😉

I had a couple photo sessions yesterday and one this morning. The ‘stragglers’ are still trying to squeeze in those photos, but I do think that this weekend was the last hurrah for this batch of seniors. I’m looking forward to a little time away from the camera to get some other parts of the “biz” all worked out. We have learned a lot this go round, and I think once we crunch some numbers and all of that we’ll be closer to where we need to be on our pricing and work flow. If the whole thing could just be fun photo shoots, that would be no problem. 😉 I feel like I should have gone to business school instead of music sometimes though… but how boring. *yawn* Ha ha!

Anyway, I hope you guys have a great weekend!! Happy Mom’s Day to my most amazing Mom and Mom-in-law!! Here’s a special picture just for you!

This face looks like it could be up to something! 🙂 Don’t mind the bit of burble. 😉

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