After the giant fiasco that has been potty training Qade, I’ve been less than enthusiastic about training Myles. I had determined that I would start around April-ish to introduce him to the concept really low-pressure like. I know that he likes to be a “big boy” so after Christmas I’d start letting him sit on the potty seat after changing his diaper before bed or before bath time.
Well, the lad has clearly decided that he should indeed be potty trained. I’m still reluctant, but he seems to be charging full steam ahead, so here we go!
Myles now INSISTS that he “needs to go potty” at every diaper change! He asks to go between times as well, and he is SO enthusiastic about it when he does manage to go. It’s hilarious to see his little face light up as he yells, “I go potty!” And of course he loves getting “nums” (m&m’s) for reward! Sometimes when he asks to go, or after a diaper change there’s nothing really “there” but he likes to stay on the pot till something happens. So I will sometimes leave him in there to do it himself since I don’t care for just sitting in the bathroom for long periods of time. The other day when I came back to check on him he had actually gone #2 in the pot!! I was so shocked! It took AGES to get Qade to do that, and here Myles was taking care of business all by himself! WOW!
The other night he asked to go about half an hour before I was going to be getting their PJ’s on so after he went I just put a pair of Qade’s unders on him instead of a new diaper. You should have seen that high stepping proud boy marching around the house in “his” unders. He was so thrilled with himself! Ha ha ha!! Amazing how a “small” thing can make such a big difference. He didn’t manage to keep them dry before I changed him into his diaper, but he was pretty amazed at himself for getting to wear them.
So I’m thinking that I’m going to have to just carpe diem with this whole potty training thing since he’s totally gung ho. I’m going to wait till next week at the earliest so that hopefully we’ll all be well(er) and can handle it better. Then I’ll just switch him over to unders and hope for the best. 🙂 Wish us luck!