So I won’t torture you to “guess” which kid is which this time. 😉 Mostly because it’s pretty obvious, so where’s the fun in that? Ha ha! I want to post pics of the 3 amigos from time to time at around the same age, so you can see just how much they do or don’t look alike. 🙂 I found a sweet picture of Qade sleeping so decided to post sleeping pictures this time. Next time I’ll post awake pics, promise!!
I was thinking back to when Qade was 7 weeks old. We had just “moved” out to AZ and were at camp in Alpine. Wow, what a whirlwind that time of life was!! Qade was the littlest COW that summer, and quite the hit with the staff too, especially Evan. 🙂 He traveled up to Canada that summer. I still laugh at his passport picture since we had to have it taken when he was like 5 days old! Very funny! Looking back on that time is fun for me though at the time it was quite stressful!! Good thing that God works us into our levels of chaos slowly. 😉 Now when I think of only having ONE baby I realize that I didn’t realize at the time how “easy” I had it. 😉 Ahhh life.
Myles was our “hibernating bear” of a baby. 🙂 Ella likes her sleep too, but still not as much as Myles did! I have SO many sleeping pictures of him because thats just what he was doing all the time. Ha ha!! But sleeping babies are beautiful! Myles was also my hairiest baby. He had quite a bit of dark hair that stuck around. He didn’t lose it like Qade did. (By the way do any of you have problems keeping the words lose and loose straight?) Anyway, here’s my little sleeping buddy. I miss his itty-bittyness, but he’s becoming such a fun big-boy too!
And finally our little china doll. I was thinking last night as I gave Ella her “dream feed” bottle, that she does look just like a china doll when she’s deeply asleep. She wouldn’t even open her eyes to eat, just chug it down while still snoozing! 🙂 Ella is our little pinky! Her skin has this wonderful healthy pink shade! Very appropriate for our baby girl. Qade was a very white baby. Myles was more yellow. Like I said Ella likes to sleep, and I’m very proud of her! She is getting much better about “going down” after her night time feeding. It’s looking like we might get a passi sucker this time around as well. Of course that is still to be determined as she hasn’t “discovered” her thumb yet. Ha ha! Here she is, sleeping Sweetheart!