I have read some bloggers who like to do “stream of consciousness” posts for their randomized thoughts. I think most of my posts fall into that category, but I’m going to call mine “this and that” when I have no better title for my ramblings. 🙂 Nice, don’t ya think?
Today I thought that I was going to have a chance to take a “rest” if not a nap this afternoon because of how Ella’s schedule worked out. Should have happened that all 3 kids would be napping at the same time this afternoon. Unfortunately I forgot to factor in Qade. My beloved who likes to go into his room, pretend to take a nap, but end up waking up his little brother and causing bedlam instead. 🙁 This does not a happy mommy make, nor is it a conducive environment for me to get some sleep in. Ahhhhh, life.
I put a can of soda in the freezer to cool it quickly for my lunch and then forgot about it. It froze, but did NOT burst!! Lucky me!
It has been frosty here in the mornings! Fall is here for sure, if the leaves scattered all over our yard are any indication. We’ve been staying warm and comfy though with our wood stove. I’m still not looking the least bit forward to winter, but maybe this year it won’t be so bad. Here’s hoping!
Ella is officially on the bottle. Due to very terrible horrible issues of my own I opted to stop nursing her for the good of all of us. I know the die-hards will think I didn’t hold out long enough or try hard enough, and even blame me for giving my baby less than “the best.” But pardon me for my arrogance, I do believe that I know what’s best for my FAMILY, and nursing just didn’t fit in to that this time. I am disappointed that it didn’t work out. I did work hard at it and sought advice and help from the “pros” but that didn’t even help. I took a break, worked hard to heal, even considered “re-lactating” but after giving that a go as well, realized that there are just too many problems involved to make it work. My hubby, my boys, myself and yes, my baby are all going to benefit from the change. Mommy won’t be in pain 24/7 now, won’t be “tied” to feeding so much now, so that when my lads need my help I can help them with much more patience. It works out best for us all. AND other people can have the joy of feeding Ella as well. Feeding baby should not be torture, it should be pleasant for all involved. Enough said. 🙂
Ahhhh spell check, what a wonder you are!
The boys got a hair cut this morning. From the barber of… home. That would be me. Photos will be forthcoming. I was nervous about it, as usual, because this time I did not want to end up giving them a buzz. It’s a great look for summer, but with the cooler weather and all, it just wouldn’t fit and would scream, “THIS MOM DOES NOT KNOW HOW TO CUT HER SONS HAIR!!” more than anything I could think of. Well, almost more. See, an even buzz might still be better than a not-so-even any other cut. Ha! I was concerned about Myles especially because this week I need to take his 2 yr old pics, and I didn’t want him to have a horrible hair cut for them. His actually turned out pretty nice. Unfortunately I nipped his poor little ear with the scissors while I was at it. Talk about feeling horrible!!! 🙁 He was very brave though, and it only was a tiny little cut. Poor lad… he goes through the ringer! Qade’s hair is… well… okay, I guess. It’s not fabulous, but I think it could be worse. ??? Is that a consolation?? Just because something could be worse does that make it okay?? Ha! Oh well, he’s still too young to know or care about hair, and I have to confess that when he asked me if it looked “nice” I said yes. And I don’t really consider it a lie, but I do know it could have turned out better. Practice makes perfect. Maybe Stu will let me practice on him some so that I can do a better job on the lads next time.
I’m still listening to Christmas music! Rebel that I am!!
The lads have been doing a (mostly) good job about playing outside by themselves. I need them to spend time outside. Both for their sanity and my own. But I can’t sit out there with them the whole time. Ella is to little to be out in the cool weather and I can’t get anything else done in the house if I spend all day out doors with them. We don’t have a fence up yet, but they have been staying within their boundaries fairly well. I do have to remind them from time to time, but they know where they are supposed to be, and that’s good. I can let them play in the fresh air and check on them from the windows. I don’t know what I’ll do when the snow and mud come to stay. *sigh* But I won’t think about that for now. The sun is shining today!!! Woo-Hoo!!
I store my clean clothes in the dryer. Sometimes for days!! Does this make me a bad person? 😉
I have been at the same weight for the past 2 weeks. Which means that I have lost the “easy” weight and now I have to get my rear in gear in order to loose the rest. It seems pretty daunting right now, but I’m going to try to break it up into smaller more manageable goals. I wanted to start the INSANITY program next week, but Stuart wisely cautioned me to “work into it” by using my elliptical machine and running first. Ahhhh… he’s so smart! 🙂 Gives great advice too! So that’s what I plan to do starting Monday. If I can sneak in 10 min on the elliptical 3x a day that’ll be my 30 min work out! Plus on days that Stu doesn’t stay after school I can usually get away for a walk.
We’re having left over lasagna for dinner tonight because I don’t want to think up something new.
Hope you’re having a swonderful week! Glad that tomorrow is Lime-Green Thursday. We should all celebrate!!
Spell check, what would I do without you!!
Ta ta