Editing fun

The Pioneer Woman sometimes does photography assignments through flickr. It’s on my “bucket list” to be one of the P-dub “chosen ones” at some point. Not even the winner, just picked as a finalist!! 🙂 So we’ll see… must keep working on photography.

Anyway, her assignment this week was for everyone to edit a photo that she took. She’ll pick the edits that she likes the best and there ya go. I think it would be very difficult to choose from so many edits of the same photo. I thought I’d share my edit with y’all because that may be the only way it’s actually seen. Ha!

Here is the original image straight out of the camera.
5114317814_2e141f3352_b - Version 4

This was my edit. I’m feeling kind of Fall inspired today, so that played in the colors for me.
George and his Boy