I hear distant rumbles and although the sky is sunny at our house, there’s a pretty dark cloud just over the hill! I’m willing to say that we’ll probably be getting at least a tad more rain this evening. It’s been “storming” every evening here for a week! I like the rain, love the smell and sounds of a storm, but the higher humidity has me slightly miserable right now. Our cooler doesn’t work so swell when the air is already moist. But that’s okay, I’ll take the rain. 🙂
It’s FRIDAY, Friends!!!! Woo-hooo!!! I just love that “Friday night feeling!” Wish we could have it all week. 😉 Today we experienced a bit more grumpiness all around from the small people in the house. A little more bickering, teasing, and general rudeness as well. My children got “time out” for several of their behavior blunders, and the girls each got some firm words. I haven’t yet initiated the time out chair with them, but all in good time. I know they are adjusting to the fact that they’re going from a stay at home mom situation to a full-time babysitter. So I’m trying to give them a little space to fit into. Next week I’m hoping to start preschool with Qade and Danielle. Having some extra activities at regular intervals will help alleviate some of the drama that tends to occur when they are left to their own devices for too long. 🙂
Tonight I made a German pancake for dinner. It was yummy!! I was in the mood for pancakes all day so I was browsing recipes online to see if I could come up with something. We are out of bisquick so that wasn’t an option. 😉 I actually found several that I wanted to try. One was just an “old fashioned” homemade recipe, one was for Swedish pancakes, that to me seem to be kind of crepe like, and then this German one, which is basically a “puff” pancake. It was really good!!! There were 1/2 a doz eggs in the batter, but boy with a little maple syrup and some powdered sugar it was SOOOOOO good! 🙂 Stuart told me that this meal made his top ten list, so that means we’ll be having it again sometime!! I’m a sucker for breakfast dinners anyway!
Well, I had a lot I was going to say about some of the struggles I’m facing with my oldest lad and his recent attitude issues, but this post doesn’t seem the place for that right now. I’ll “share” later. 😉 Right now I’ll leave you with a funny conversation I had with him instead. We were spending one on one time in the recliner before bed the other night when our conversation turned to our cat. I asked him what the cat’s name was, because typically we just call him ‘Kitty.” He told me he was “Wiam” he’s not so good with his “L’s” yet. Then he told me, “We can get another cat when Wiam pops.” !!!!! I cracked up so bad! I said what? and he repeated that when Wiam pops we would have another cat! My fat belly was jiggling so much from my laughing that Qade started laughing too! It was a sight I’m sure! Fun moments happen, even when daily life can seem like a struggle. 🙂
Hope you all have a great weekend!