I’m ALIVE!! I survived the first 3 days of babysitting. 🙂 Ha ha ha! Well, it’s a start anyway. On Monday I had my regular OB apt which was so boringly routine that I wonder WHY in the world I have to go every 2 weeks! Don’t get me wrong, I like to know that everything is “okay” and all, but at this stage it seems like more of a hassle than a help. BUT my doctor did drop a bombshell at the end of the visit. She informed me that she’s resigning and moving to Florida. *sigh* Her last day is the end of Aug, so that means she won’t be here to deliver our baby. 🙁 I’m not overly upset, but am a bit disappointed. She was my doc all through with Myles and I was really confident in having her again for this baby. She suggested that since I’m a low risk and rather “hands off” kind of patient that I see one of the clinic midwives. These midwives deliver in the hospital with all the regular stuff you can expect with a delivery/pain management, so I’m pretty comfortable with that idea. Still, it seems kind of “unfair” to change the rules so close to the end of the game. 😉 I can’t blame her though. When doctors have to move on there will always be patients in the “middle” of something.
Anyway, so that was Monday. The rest of the week has been busy with the 2 extra little people in our house, but it’s been good. We’re all adjusting to each other. I actually got the littlest one, Hailey, to take her passi out and speak a couple of times by Wednesday. 😉 She’s a cutie! Stuart says that she reminds him of a Dr. Seuss character, so I’ve dubbed her “Cindi Lou Who.” Ha ha!! She was ‘helping’ Stuart get some stuff from the cellar the other day, and he came back claiming that he was completely “smitten” and can’t wait for our little girl. 🙂 Poor guy doesn’t stand a chance! Danielle is 4 going on 25, and can TALK!! Wow! I thought that my boys could be chatter bugs, but they don’t hold a candle to how much this child can talk! On Monday I was pretty sure I was going to go insane from the incessant questions/comments! Ha ha!! Qade wasn’t home yet to kind of take the edge off for me, but it did get better as the days went by. She and I have had to have a few “conversations” as she tells her mom, about being bossy and nosey, and I imagine we’ll have a few more, but I’m mostly dealing with it by letting her know that not everything is her business, especially when I’m speaking to someone else. She’ll do fine, I’m sure! Next week I’m planning to start her and Qade out on their preschool!! We’re all excited about it. I’m sure it’ll be a lot of fun! The two little ones, I’ve discovered, will not be able to have room time together since Myles has a very bad habit of hitting. That has been getting nipped in the bud, but I still don’t want to have to deal with it while I’m trying to “school” the others. So they will have to be ‘segregated’ during that time.
Over all it’s going well. I’m optimistic that it’s going to be just fine! The girls really are very well behaved, and that’s super helpful!! It’s nice for the boys to have friends to play with rather than just pestering each other. We’re working on the outdoor playset, and I can’t wait till it’s ready!! The kids have been begging to climb it already! The hours work out great! I put the kids down for their naps around 1 and then their mom is here to get them shortly after 3:30 so they are up from nap and have a snack then go home. It’s nice to have the afternoon/evening just for us. I know when the little lady shows up it’ll throw a wrench in the works, but I’ve been praying that she will have a very compliant personality, and like to sleep!!!! 🙂
Hope you all are enjoying your week! Happy Lime Green Thursday! Toodles!