This week for Shutter Love Tuesdays the theme is “Friendship.” I had SEVERAL photos that I really wanted to use, but finally just picked this one! This was during our second summer at camp and Qade was just 13 months old. One day Wally came over to play with us in the yard, and they …
Monthly Archives: May 2010
Today started out as a regular day. Get up, get ready, let the monkeys loose, change them, get them dressed, feed the hungry hordes! 🙂 Ya know, the typical morning stuff. However, I bailed out early after that because I had an OB appointment this morning. They come around every 4 wks or so, and …
Busy Times in life
I always tell myself that I’m not going to get ‘bottlenecked’ before summer. Nope, not me! I’m going to get everything done early and have it all organized and set up and ready to go. *sigh* The best laid intentions….. So here I am looking at about 2 weeks till (dum-de-dum-dum) camp, and I’m more …
Mommies Take 2
I have another pic to post for a contest today. I heart faces is also having a Mommy theme this week. Such good choices everyone is making. 🙂 It can be a thankless job to be a mom sometimes, but when people really do think about it EVERYONE is thankful for moms!! Anyway, this picture …
Mother Love
Today at Shutter Love Tuesdays the theme is Mommies! Of course!! It would HAVE to be. 🙂 I thought of this picture right away. I love the way it turned out, and I LOVE the fact that its my littlest love’s tiny feet in my hand! They grow so fast that it’s hard to remember …
Go for it!
Those words were my Hubby’s typical advice to people during college years when EVERY decision seemed to be a big one, and everyone seemed to seek advice from all their friends. 😉 Such fun days. Maybe that advice wouldn’t be great in every situation. However it has been fantastic for me. Stuart has been gently …
Clients Woo- Hoo!
I got a spur of the moment client yesterday! Her mom and grandma came by after lunch to “see my work.” No, I wasn’t nervous. 😉 I’m not a good sales pitcher like Stuart is, but I did try to be nice. They seemed to like what they saw and said that they’d bring the …
Today is “Shutter Love Tuesday” again. Amazing how fast a week can go! This weeks theme is children. I have to say that I thought of this photo the second I saw the theme. Simply because this is the reality of children and cameras! Ha! We took probably 15 or more shots with 2 cameras …
That’s the way it feels around here today. No this isn’t the long awaited post… sorry, I should just stop talking about that. 😉 Actually our living room clock broke and apparently it’s the one thing in our lives that guides our schedule! Never mind that there are at least 6 other time keeping devices …
Bonafide Photographer!
Okay, yesterday my very first, real live, paying client showed up! Navajo time and all. 😉 She got here in the afternoon and we thought the weather might rain on our parade, but instead it worked with us BEAUTIFULLY!! I’d been praying that it would go well, so I shouldn’t be surprised that God would …