Smallest Ocean

A friend of mine linked to this blog on HER blog, and it’s a photo sharing blog/contest. None of these “contests” win anything but the accolade of being “picked.” Which hasn’t happened yet, but I keep hoping!! Besides it’s lots of fun and I get inspiration by looking at other’s photos. The theme for this particular Tuesday is “water.” It’s not something we see here in AZ too much actually! But I thought the droplets that I shot captured perfectly in the little leaves after rain was pretty cool! We might not have vast ocean front property, or deep delving lakes, but Arizona gets it’s water in little droplets and is thankful for each one! 🙂 You can VOTE for my photo or any of the other photos on the site that strike your fancy if you click on the button at the bottom. Happy Tuesday!

H2O drops

The Trendy Treehouse

This is a blog hop… don’t really know what that means exactly except that it links together all us photo linkers….. or something. 🙂 You can link to it to if you’d like to enter a “water” themed photo.

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