For real? This week has already seemed incredibly long!! Must be because I went to bed with a migraine last night. 🙁 Boo-hoo! Pregnancy certainly makes headaches more frequent for me. Harder to deal with too because I can’t take the “normal” stuff for it. *sigh* Oh well, I woke up without the nasty uncomfy headache this morning so that’s good!!
My poor lil Myles isn’t feeling tip-top today. He came home from our weekend away with this “seal-like” barking cough. 🙁 Poor lad! His little voice is horse and he’s congested. He doesn’t seem to mind too much, but the cough just sounds awful! I called his doc’s office this morning, but they were totally booked, of course. The nurse was nice enough to tell me that there have been some upper respiratory viruses, and RSV going around. Oh, well that’s encouraging to a mom who can’t bring her baby in! Good grief! Myles did have the RSV vaccine so I’m not really worried, but if he’s not doing better tomorrow I’ll call again to see if I can bring him in. Just in case. 🙂
I snapped a shot of some really great stuff the other day when we were heading to Stu’s parents. 🙂 Starbucks is our “treat” when we’re on the road. I thought you NEEDED to see this picture, and don’t worry, if it makes you drool and you simply have to rush out of your house to the nearest S’bucks, they aren’t paying me for advertising. 😀
Well, I was a little at a loss for dinner ideas, but one just struck me! Grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup!!! The wind has picked up and is blowing in very gray, gloomy clouds, so I think it’ll just do the trick! Hope you all are having a faster week than me. Toodles!