Not Moi Monday

Feeling a little French today. I’ve been watching Julie and Julia probably WAY too much because I even DREAM about the yummy looking bruschetta dish at the beginning of the movie. I’m SO going to make that sometime. But it’s a fun chick flick and I’m so happy that my loving hubby gave it too me for Christmas!

So what have I been not up to this week?

Well, I did not allow my children to totally trash their room by dumping out EVERY toy container all over their floor. They also did not delve into other parts of the house where toys are kept and empty those toys into their fabulously tidy room as well. I then did not trick convince my helpful hubby to supervise the clean up with Monkey #1 while I gave Myles a bath. 😉 I’d never be that mean!
I did not move our poor “cold stricken” baby into our room so I wouldn’t have to trip up and down the stairs multiple times a night, and cause my poor husband to “move out” to the couch so he could actually get some rest. I then would not have blissfully stretched out in our bed and enjoy the extra space totally guilt free. 😉 (I’m convinced we need a bigger bed… don’t know why, neither of us has “grown” but the bed just seems to be not big enough for good sleep any more)
I did not put the empty box that Qade has claimed as his “car” in the garage to get it out of my way, only to fish it out again when Qade was frantically looking through the house for his “car.” Poor lad! Perhaps I should have stuck to my guns and told him the car was gone, but I just love his little imagination so much I couldn’t. Then while driving his “car” on the coffee table I did not neglect to make him stop and consequently he did not drive it right off the edge and crash. 😀 It wasn’t totaled though so all is well, and he hasn’t been driving on the table anymore.
I did not put one lad down for a nap, leave the other lad watching a movie, and go take a shower. I would not have desperately needed to do this because I honestly could not remember the last shower I had…. I know, yuck. I then would not have come back to the living room to discover my son had turned the movie off on his own and was having a grand old time playing with my computer mouse and keyboard. I also didn’t notice that he had somehow managed to rename a photo that was on the desktop. Whew! At least he didn’t delete the hard drive or something. 🙂

So there’s some of the stuff I’d never be doing, ever, never in a million years. 🙂 Hope you all have had great “not me” weeks and this one is better still. If you’re interested in reading other people’s “not confessions” you can visit McMamma’s site. Ta ta!

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