New Years Resolved!

2010, Bring it on! 🙂 This year I have some pretty lofty goals I will say, but I have a whole 12 months, 52 weeks, and 365 days to get it all done. 🙂 Sounds pretty doable if I can stay focused! Of course I really should delete about 2 or 3 of those months due to camp… Hmmmm…. but it’s still doable, very much so, and I am determined to do it!
I’ve noticed that a lot of my personal goals for this year have to do with discipline. Isn’t it odd that as children we are disciplined by our parents and authorities, and then we become adults and have to discipline ourselves? I think it was easier being on the kid end personally. 🙂
INSANITY!!! This is part of my personal “get into shape” goals. Of course I seriously believe there is a possibility that it’ll kill me in the process, but I suppose finally getting in shape will be worth the risk. This is THE most intense workout regimen I have EVER attempted, so here’s hoping that I will have the discipline to stick to this goal and see amazing results in 60 days! 🙂
Consistant Bible reading is one of my personal goals for this year. I hate to have to confess it, but I do struggle with consistency in this area. I have a “One Year Bible” and hope to use that to jump start my Bible reading/study. I know that it’s just a lack of discipline on my part. I can’t lay the blame on my kids or being busy, it’s a matter of making it a priority.
Improved photography. This year I will be participating in a flickr project 365 group. Basically what that means is I will take at least one photo a day for a year, edit and upload it to the group site. I can get constructive feedback and comments on my photos from others in the group. Merely cultivating the discipline to make myself take, AND edit a photo a day will improve my photography skills. I don’t technically HAVE to edit the photos, and maybe occasionally I won’t, but I want to make that a big part of this challenge for me. I have some awesome software that can do some pretty spiffy things, but honestly I don’t’ know how to use it yet… so, practice makes perfect. 🙂 I’m pretty excited about this project and you can follow my progression on my photo blog which is I’ll post a link in the side bar too, so you can see what’s going on in photo-land along the way.
Fiddle. Speaking of practice, another of my goals is to improve on the fiddle. 🙂 Stuart bought me the second “American Fiddle Method” book for Christmas. I have played through the first one already, but haven’t really “practiced” all the skills. SO I need to work back through the first book before I tackle the second, but I’m excited about doing that. Perhaps someday in the future I can entertain the campers with my fiddlin’ tunes. 🙂
So what will 2010 look like in our family??? Can’t answer that question exactly, but I have some ideas of what I’d like. 😀 Qade will be turning 3 this spring, and I have some goals for him this year. One is that he will get potty trained. 🙂 You remember we have been on a sabbatical from that process, and he has shown NO interest in going in the potty at all. He doesn’t ask about it, talk about it, or even seem to remember it. Ha! Poor lad, all the trauma he has to endure. BUT we will be revisiting that life lesson in March. He’ll be nearly 3 then, and ready or not, he’s got to learn someday! 🙂 In my perfect little world, which exists only in my head, he will be potty trained (at least day time dry) by the time we have to go to camp in May….. time will tell. 😉 Another thing that Qade and I are going to work on this year is his alphabet. He already does recognize some of the letters, but I’d like for him to have the whole thing down this year. Then of course, we have the ongoing character building day by day with our guinea-pig toddler. Stinks to be first, right? 🙂 But I would like for Qade to learn to consistently use his words, rather than screams to communicate and to speak respectfully to adults. Big order for a 2/3 yr old? Nah, I’m confident that he can learn these lessons well because he is a very sweet boy under that “terrible two’s” exterior. 😉
For my littlest lad, Myles, I also have some goals. He IS young, but I’ve been reminded that he understands a LOT more than I give him credit for. The other day I asked him to get his cup and bring it to me, not actually expecting him to do it, but he surprised me by following those instructions! SO now that I know he is able, he’s going to be getting more instructions. He will be responsible to help clean up, especially since he is so fond of making HUGE messes. Also, one BIG lesson that he needs to conquer this year is that when Mommy says “no-no” it doesn’t mean “keep doing it until Mom actually moves toward you, then run like the wind the other way.” 🙂 Ha! I’m also planning to introduce Myles to the potty this year. We won’t begin “officially” training, but once big bro gets it down then I’m going to “allow” Myles to sit on the pot from time to time as well, so it’s not a brand new concept when it’s time to train him.
Okay, I hate to admit this, but I do NOT have a scrapbook for Myles yet, and the one I have for Qade hasn’t moved beyond his first month. Oh and our wedding album is STILL not done. *sigh* So, this year is project finishing year. 🙂 Or more like project catch up year. I’m not sure if you can EVER be done with a scrapbook! This too will take a lot of discipline. It shouldn’t be that hard, but I’ve made such a mental block out if it that it’s difficult to even get started. I have some “blue prints” of how I’m going to manage floating around in my head so hopefully I can get some of those worked out. Now that my “craft space” is cleaned up and organized, I think it will be much easier to get in there and work through some of those things. I also have a couple unfinished crochet projects that I can work on as well. That back room is ch-ch-chilly during the winter months, but I can bring the crochet out to the warm part of the house. 🙂

Anyway, those are some of my new-year’s goals. I’m sure I’m missing something, or maybe several somethings, but that gives me a pretty good base, don’t ya think? If you have made it through this post KUDOS to you!! It’s HUGE, and all about me, but lest you think I’m totally narcissistic I’m putting all of this out here as an accountability of sorts. It’s great for me to have ideas in my head, but if I don’t tell people about them, I’m much less likely to work on disciplining myself. So thanks, friends, and here’s to a great 2010!!!