I am SO on top of the Christmas thing this year! Seriously, I don’t think that I’ve ever felt this ready by the first week of December. (Thanks Amazon!!!) Of course that could all change very rapidly. Stu and I went over our schedule for the month and it’s looking very busy!! I do have several “ends” that do need to be tied up. Even so I’m going to bask in this “ready already” feeling, even if I’m technically not. 😉
Kicking off my “readiness” was how I chose, put together and ordered our Christmas cards for this year. We decided to go the “easy” rout this time around and just do the simple Wal-mart photo greeting card. Last year Stu and I spent a combined 500 million hours creating our amazing Christmas letter, and quite frankly I’m still worn out from it. That’s why the “simple” idea seemed so perfect for us. However I used some of the pictures I myself personally took of the boys that I’m pretty proud of. I know I have a LOT to learn about photography and such, but I also know that I am improving, so that makes me feel good as well. Okay, so back to the story. I ordered our pics well in advance because I didn’t want to get backed up with Thanksgiving and all. They were to arrive at our local (45 miles away) Wal-Mart on or BEFORE Nov. 19. Well, that day came and went, and then I DID get caught up in Thanksgiving. My WHOLE family was together for the first time since I went off to college, yikes… I don’t like to think about how long ago that was because then I feel old, and mostly I don’t feel old, so I don’t want to feel old. 😀 I avoid that old feeling as much as possible. But we all had a good time and Stu’s parents and grandparents were with us too, we just missed having his sis and her fam here! Well, after the turkey had settled we made it into town on Sunday for church and I figured it was as good a time as I’d get to check on the unaccounted for cards. Fast forward to an hour spent in the store being shuffled from department to wrong department, to waiting for “management” and you get me with a rather “arg” attitude and NO cards. Thankfully, I kept my cool, did explain the frustrating situation to the people involved in a nice way knowing that it was (probably) not specifically their fault. Then I took the number I was given to my oh-so-amazing-at-getting-great-deals, hubby. He called and talked to a couple people at the Walmart.com place and they were surprisingly helpful! They reordered our cards, gave us free to our home shipping, and cut us a 50% discount on our order. 😀 Ahhhh… now that’s the old Wally-World I remember and love!
Today our cards arrived. They look great and at 50% off who’s gonna complain if the printing on my BEAUTIFUL photos seems a little dark. 😉 Just glad I lightened them in Aperture BEFORE I uploaded them to the site. There you have it! Be on the lookout for your very own installment of the ‘super easy’ (har har har) Christmas greeting card from we’uns. 🙂
Ta ta!