Thanks for all of you who were in prayer for Stellan today! God heard, and answered our prayers in ways to astound us, as usual!! You have got to read McMamma’s blog post about it HERE. But I’ll just tell you that after LOTS of complications they were able to get into Stellan’s heart and …
Monthly Archives: November 2009
Stellan is in surgery right now. HERE is McMamma’s update if you want details.
Happy Post :-)
So here is my promised post on more happy topics. 🙂 My boys: This is always a happy topic, even when it’s not. 🙂 I’m very thankful for my lads! They bring 100x more smiles than they do frowns so I can’t complain. Myles took his first 2-3 independent steps the other day. Nov 3. …
Pray for Stellan!!!
I’m keeping up, as fast as I’m able, with Stellan’s situation. My heart just goes out to this family. It’s weird for me to feel such an emotional connection to people whom I have NEVER and probably won’t ever meet. Still, there baby is the age of mine and that’s a close enough connection I …
The Real Story on Stellan
Okay, so I’ve been getting my details all wacky with what lil Stellan is going to be doing. I thought his procedure was Friday, but turns out he is being admitted to the childrens’ hospital TOMORROW, and then the actual ablation will be done on Tuesday. SO please keep the family and lil baby boy …
Tough Stuff
Seems I keep running across sad circumstances like THIS, but I’m trying to apply them as personal growth lessons. I’m certainly not looking for sad stories, especially ones about children. I’m a mommy, I don’t like to think about sick babies, or 5 yr olds with cancer, but real people are really going through these …
Hi friends! Last night Stu and I got to see The Phantom of the Opera!! It was absolutely amazing!! I told him it was our best date ever! I know Phantom inside and out since I’ve been a fan since the sixth grade, but I was still surprised by the amazing stage effects! Wow! So …
Stellan’s Friday
Hey Friends! Please pray for baby Stellan on Friday! It’s the day scheduled for his heart ablation. I know his Mommy could use a lot of prayer support. I think of our little Myles and my hear aches for McMamma. Pray for the family, the doctors, and that sweet little baby boy! Thanks!
The Ugly Sister
Myles has the coolest Bible story book ever that some friends gave him. He isn’t terribly interested in the stories yet, they are a bit long, but I love the illustration and story telling method in it!! So tonight as I was looking for something to read to Qade, I came across the story of …
Just a few
I couldn’t resist posting some of the pics I snapped of the boys yesterday. 🙂 I know mother-love, but I won’t appologise. 🙂 You know they’re just the cutest ever anyway! 😉 So without further ado… and because I’m having a terrible time typing today… You don’t even want to know how many times I’ve …