Welcome to Monday! I missed my “not me” blog last week due to some one or another drama, I’m sure, but this week I’m happy to be back. 🙂
I did not leave my 12 mo old in his 2 and 1/2 yr old brother’s shirt when I got them mixed up. I did not just roll up the sleeves and say, “It’ll work” and let him swim around in it all day simply because he hates to be changed, and is such a wiggle worm that it was “easier” that way. I wouldn’t let him wear oversized clothes just for a little convenience sake. NOT ME!
Niether did I allow my potty training tot to run around in his soaked unders, knowing that the plastic pants would provide a level of safety, when we had company over just to avoid a bathroom induced drama. NOT ME!
I did not let my exhausted children take their nap in the car seats so that I could shop at Wal-Mart without them. (and NO I really didn’t leave them alone, Daddy was with them.) Neither did I feed them nuggets and fries in their car seats knowing that it was going to be a disaster that I would later have to clean up. Nope!
Never would I let my youngest just “wiggle it out” in his bed when he’d rather not just shut those sweet eyes and take a nap. I would, of course, keep him up and play many educational and coordination building games with him. I wouldn’t let him be bored for even a second of his precious awake time even though his brother is napping, and this may be my only chance for some peace the entire day. Not me!
I did not let my toddler walk around in a stinky pull up for an hour because “he didn’t mind” and wait for Daddy to change him. 😉 No, I’d never never ever do that….. Not Me! Ha ha ha ha ha….
I did not in the least enjoy lots of wet kisses, snuggles and nuzzles, tummy tickles, drooly laughs, and hysterical moments through my whole week. Who’d like that anyway? Not me! 😉
Enjoy writing your own “Not Me” posts with the rest of us inspired by McMamma!