Not Me!!!

I ran across this blog post and it totally cracked me up. Sounds like a great idea for Mondays. But it’s called “Not Me Monday” and you should read it, it’s not long, but it’ll make you laugh! My not me for this Monday is while standing in a ridiculously slow moving line at Wal-Mart I did not break out the toddler snacks and give one to my screaming child before paying for them. NOT ME! 😉
Okay, I confess, I did. Yesterday was not as relaxing of a Sunday as the previous one for me. Probably do to the fact that I had to get Myles pictures made AT Wal-Mart, which I despise doing!!!! But he had to have his 11 month pics, what’s a mommy to do? So we got that out of the way fairly painlessly. I worked really hard at NOT having great expectations for it, so I wouldn’t be disappointed…. almost worked. 😉
Then to add insult to injury I actually had to shop, ugh! I didn’t even have that much stuff to get. I got through the store itself pretty much without incident, but then when it came to the check out line! ARG!!!! Why do they have 50 check out stands when at any one time only 3 seem to be open???? Well, I picked one that seemed the lesser of the evils, but I was wrong. The cashier was the slowest in the country, I’m quite positive. Of course, standing in line with a baby who has decided he is DONE with this shopping experience, makes everything seem slower. Honestly though, she was the slowest of the slow. So I did break out the biter biscuits before I’d payed for them, but that’s not that big of a deal. I’m sure everyone around appreciated the peace it bought them for at leas a couple minutes. 🙂
Today I have to “recover” from the weekend. Basically that means the house is a wreck and I get to be the magic fairy that puts it all back together. Ha! So I’d better get to it or the magic won’t be accomplished today. Hope you are all having a spiffy Monday. I have another question for Monday though…. why is it that my potty training toddler waits for the 3 minutes that I’m putting the baby down for a nap to have a “pooey” in his big boy unders?????? Hmmmmm? 😉