First Words

It’s official! Myles has joined the land of the speaking! Today he has said his first word, besides Ma-ma and DA! His first word was, (drum roll) “No!” 🙂 It’s true, he says it so clearly too that it couldn’t possibly be any other word. I’m not yet sure if he “means” no when he says it, but because it’s the word he hears the most from his big brother and TO his big brother from Mommy and Daddy, he decided it was pretty important and he should start to say it too. 😉 It’s the cutest thing, now. 🙂 Hopefully he’ll learn more words quickly before the real meaning of “no” catches on with him. Right now it’s a novelty and he’s been saying his new word many times over and over this afternoon. I just can’t believe he’s talking!!! Where did my baby cakes go?
Well, that’s the exciting news to report. Other than that I’ve been busy busy still trying to get the house organized from our return from the summer. I’ve also been photo editing, which takes a LOT of time considering the volume of photos we had to start with. Then today I actually baked some banana bread! Yum!!
This week is going to get a bit crazy because we are going to begin putting on a new roof! It’s much needed and we’re very excited about it, but the process is the crazy part. Stu’s sis and bro-in-law are here to help and the inlaws will be joining us on Thursday night. Then I will be hieing myself away for a ladies retreat. Should be interesting, if nothing else. 🙂 But it will be a break from the chaos so that’s good.
Will report back later. I couldn’t do photos today because Stu’s been working on our photo library and I can’t import anything right now. Hope you can manage without them for now. Toodles!

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