To Morrow

Hi! Happy Monday everyone! I had a marvelous Mommy’s Day yesterday! My hubby got me some awesome foot rub lotion and it came with a foot rub too!! Qade and Myles got me a new comforter set for our bed!! I’d been looking for something in Chocolate and Blue and sure enough we found it! Daddy says that it was Qade’s suggestion so I’ll give him the credit. It was so cute yesterday at church. The “little kids” class came in at the end of the service and handed out roses to all the moms. Qade gave me a rose and the “card” that they made for us. The teacher took poloroid pictures of them (I didn’t even know those cameras were still around!) so the kids had their pictures on the front of the card. It was sweet. I’m so happy I get to be a mommy! Yesterday it came back to me that a LONG time ago when I was like 15 or so, I remember praying that God would let me have kids someday. 🙂 Nice to remember that God hears our prayers and answers them in ways that so amazing! I didn’t know back then just how incredible it would be to be a wife and mommy, but I’d never trade it for anything, ever!

So today is “recovery Monday” and that’s what I’ll be attempting to do. Recover the house from the weekend! I’ve got laundry a goin’, dishes in the sink, a baby diaper to change, and lots of fun to have with my boys today too! 🙂 I was going to put some of the cutesie stuff that they’ve been up to lately on here, but my blogs tend to be a little wordy anyway, so I’ll save that for another post. I’ll just tell you that Myles is working on getting 3 teeth through right now, but is still his same happy little self, amazingly! If ever he had an excuse to be grumpy that would be it. Love my lads!

Enjoy this song. It cracks me up! 😀

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