Today has been a great Sunday! My amazing hubby handled the service at church as a one man show so amazingly well!! Makes me wish I could preach too. 😉 He lead singing, preached, did announcements and then when we were all done we had fellowship over the muffins and bread that I had baked. That was my contribution to the whole thing, but it still made me feel like I helped some. Qade did pretty well sitting through the service this morning since there was no children’s church. He put up a fuss right at the beginning, but I whisked him out for a time out and then after that he sat very well, with a little help from trail mix near the end. 🙂
This afternoon we’ve mostly been relaxing and/or napping. I looked up some recipes online for a bread with yogurt as an ingredient and stuff to make containing apples. 🙂 I’m bound and determined to use up the apples that we still seem to have in abundance in our fridge! Plus I bought some plain yogurt, because it’s supposed to be good at helping your body build up the “good” bacteria and fight yeast. Well, that is if you can stomach to eat it! Blah!! I tried really hard one day and did manage to muscle some down, but it was a very nasty unpleasant experience, and I decided I’d rather take my probiotics in a pill than try it that way again. Ugh! So now I have a container of plain yogurt in the fridge that needs a use. I’m trying very hard not to be wasteful these days so I came across a recipe, for a bread machine no less, that uses yogurt. AND all the reviews on the bread said that it was fabulous. So depending on how tonight goes with Myles, that is my plan for tomorrow. Make apple bread, apple muffins, and yogurt bread. 🙂 Oh, and laundry really has to get done too. 😀
Tonight there is a 60% chance of SNOW!!! I can’t believe it! In fact I don’t believe it. 🙁 I told Stu I’d believe it when I see it, just because precipitation of any kind out here is scarce. Still it would be wonderful to see some snow. Stu might fall into a long line of male Grinches who don’t like anything Christmasy before Thanksgiving, but it would sure make me feel a LOT more like Christmas to see a little snow. 😉 I am looking forward to Thanksgiving too. I’m trying to decide what my dish will be as we are having the big meal at Stu’s grandparent’s house. It’ll be nice this year not to have to worry about fixing everything myself. I’m still going to buy turkey though, because I LOVE it, and I’ll use it some other time. Wow, just thinking about it all is making me hungry!! So I’ll go concentrate on what’s for dinner. Hope you all have a marvelous Monday tomorrow! Ta ta!