Baking and more baking

Okay, so today I had quite the list of things that I wanted to get done. I wasn’t sure it was going to happen at first, but things worked out pretty well. I got up around 7ish this morning, and actually had a morning shower! Then I looked out the window and, low and behold, there was snow on the ground! That cheered me up for the day right away! Myles was snoozing, so I got Qade up and fixed him his breakfast, then Myles woke up, but I managed to convince him to wait till Mommy had something to eat before he had his “second breakfast.” So I fixed cream of wheat, and halfway through that Qade wanted to read “Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed” so I did that then shared the rest of my breakfast with Bubba. 🙂
I did manage to get the laundry going and the yogurt bread started as well. Eventually Qade went down for a nap, and Stu took apart the dishwasher, to see if we could “fix” it, so I used the time to cut up the apples for my quick bread! Woo- hoo! Got that in the oven, woke up Qade, fixed lunch, ate lunch, had some of the apple bread and it was very yummy!! I got all the laundry done, and then the bread machine beeped. I was so looking forward to trying this bread, but alas, it was a complete failure!! I’m not sure what the problem was, but it came out looking like a lump, and actually didn’t smell so wonderful either. 🙁 I’m not sure I’m even going to try to cut it open…. so disappointing. But I’m not overly bummed about it. So many other things went well today that how could I be?? Just to make me feel better about my bread machine making abilities though, I’m posting a picture of my 2 first “success” loves! 🙂 Hope you all have had a marvelous Monday!

First Loaf ever! Just a basic white bread. It tasted wonderful!
Second loaf. This was a whole wheat, herb sandwich bread loaf.

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