I’m a service skipper today. I was just way too wiped out this morning to make it to church. I did manage to get my hair curled, and make up on, and all dressed before I realized that it wasn’t going to happen. Oh well. Soon after Stu left, I put Qade and myself down for a nap, and it worked wonders!! I still have a bit of a headache, but do feel mucho bettero from this morning.
I’ve been contemplating how to save mulah more these days. I added a couple of links to my blogroll if any of y’all are interested. One is a place I’ve been before called Hill billy Housewife. She has some really frugal food and just life ideas. I don’t think I could adopt her lifestyle completly, but I’m sure some of her tips will work for me. I’m going to try her recipe for ham and cheese muffins. It looks good! Then there’s the Living on a Dime one. There’s a lot of great tips in that site as well. Some things, to me, just seem like common sense, but it’s good to have a plan and then go with it. I really do want to get better at cutting down our grocery bill for sure! I’m not a good coupon clipper because we don’t get the paper, but I have recently discovered that there are online printable coupon sites, so I’m looking into those to see what will work best for us. There are ways out there to save money… some of them just take a little time, and to be honest some of them take more time than they are worth. I’m not interested in piling on a bunch more “work” to save a few cents, but if a little work can save a lot then I’m all over it! 🙂
Anyway, I’ve got to go pull my son out of the trash can that he’s delving into. Have a happy day!