Gettin’ rid of animals

Hi friends!

We’ve been busy this weekend getting “rid” of our critters (and plants) for the camp season.  The cat we brought to Albuquerque where she will be staying for a short time with my brother and his wife.  She will then move a little ways across town to stay with my Grandma and her dog Maggie.  Hopefully they will all get along.  Cisco (dog) we took up to Colorado to stay with Stuart’s sis.  She’s a dog lover, and they have 3 of their own.  I’m quite sure that Cisco will be spoiled by all the playmates and lovin’ that he’ll get while he’s up there.  I think that halfway through, he’s going to go stay with Stu’s parents in Chino.  There he will feast on all manner of fat things as my mom-in-law tries to fatten him up. 🙂  He’s a lean dog, and runs a LOT and she thinks he needs a bit more bulk, so he’ll have the chance to get it.  In Colorado he’ll be so busy playing with the other dogs he won’t have a chance to put on extra weight.  We’re quite sure that both of our animals will be well taken care of this summer.  We just hope they want to come home when it’s all over. 🙂  It will be nice to travel and not have to worry about having a stinky dog in the vehicle.  We have a sometimes stinky little boy and that’s enough for us, and the poor staff who will be traveling with us this summer. 🙂

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