Ugh! That is how I feel. Whatever it is being blown wildly about in the air is fixin’ to kill me! (nice souther word that, fixin’ ha ha!) When we went to Abq last Wed, I was miserable too, but my mom gave me some allergy pills and it got better. Well on Saturday when we were driving home, the closer we got the “worser.” My eyes started burning, itching and watering, and my nose refused to work correctly, and my throat got all scratchy and the “seal” cough came back. 🙁 Blah! So today whilst I have been washing 2 loads of laundry and 2 loads of dishes and cleaning up all the junk Qade threw on the floor at lunch time, I take frequent nose blowing and water drinking breaks. I sure hope that allergy season gets over FAST! If not I just may have to invest in a mask of some kind. 🙂 Do they make those? Pollen masks? Someone should invent one.