Goodbye JC Penny!

Hello Sears!  Yep, I’ve been a loyal JC Penny portrait person since Qade was born.  We have had some good experiences with them and got some good pictures!  Especially his newborn pics.  HOWEVER, the studio we’ve been going to since we moved back out West has had some serious issues.  We had an awful sitting when we went to get our family pictures around Christmas time, but Stu wheeled and dealed and got us a discount.  BUT today was the last straw!!!  I had called about a month ago to get an appointment because they were giving free portrait packages to people who would let them “practice” with their new camera system.  Well, I got there today and gave them my name.  The lady started flipping through the appointment book and what do you know, couldn’t find me in there.  Anyway, I won’t go into all the drama of the whole thing, but needless to say I wasn’t a happy camper, and decided to take matters into my own tentacles, er.. hands.  So while my mom was kind enough to wait there “in case” they called me, Qade and I took a trip across the mall to Sears where the atmosphere was calm and serene.  I was hooked!  I immediately made an appointment for our 10 month picture on tomorrow. 🙂  Honestly Sears is a just a little more expensive than Penny’s, but to me it’s well worth it not to have to deal with stupid people. 🙂  I think if you’re paying for a service and you’re not satisfied you should certainly go somewhere else!  Good ol’ America! 

So that’s my “rant” for today.  Thanks for coming along.  Ha ha!  Besides that actually it’s been a pretty good day despite the lack of sleep!  I got to eat some really yummy fried rice at a great little Thai restaurant.  Take it easy, friends, and remember friends don’t let friends go to sorry picture places. 🙂

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